> You mean like when we got rid of the laws that required local banking?
> That worked very well. Didn't it?
> If you look for banks that did not get caught in the sub-prime fiasco
> you will find that these were banks run by local bankers who knew who
> and what was getting the loan. You will also find that such banks that
> are willing to work with their customers when times get tough and did
> not rush to foreclose.

Actually, you will find the banks that survived were the ones who were more
diversified in their holdings.  The one that went tits up were the old
investment houses that only recently started banking businesses.

> And why does the federal government have Medicaid administered by the
> states? You might find the answer above.

And why is Medicare an actuarial mess and lurching towards insolvency?  

I think you'll find your answer somewhere around reality.

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