What makes you think I believe it's a golden devil?  iPod touch = the cool.

Also on a related note of sorts.  I emailed the list about choices in cell
phones and service, and the comments were all helpful.  I had almost decided
for sure I was going to get the new mytouch from Tmobile.  I had wanted an
iPhone or at least iPhone like, AT&T's service is too expensive for my
taste, so the next best was the mytouch.  Then something great happened.
Sprint announced the HTC Hero was going to their network..at a cheaper price
than the Mytouch.  This is an all around better unit then the Mytouch, and
with my discount at Sprint, their basic everything service is much cheaper
than anyone else.  The only part I didn't like too much was Sprint changing
the form factor of the Hero headed to the states.  The UK model was
distinctive and in almost every review said to be comfortable to use.


HTC is a mobile phone company from Taiwan. They have been making and selling phones under the T-Mobile name for several years. You can buy the mobile phones outright with no contract or get the branded ones through a provider like TMo and pay for them through a contract. HTC Dash and HTC Wing have WiFi, but not touch screen, some new models have both, http://www.phonearena.com/htmls/HTC-phones-m_45-a_0.html, http://www.htc.com/us/selectcountry.aspx.

It might be better to buy the unlocked unbranded phone and use T-Mobile PAYGO. That way everything will be available, instead of having a provider cripple features that are inconvenient to them. You can get a multi-SIM/MaxSIM card and put more than one PAYGO provider in you phone at the same time. Sprint is good, as long as you don't plan to use your phone outside the US. Need quadband GSM for worldwide coverage.

iPod Touch is awesome. Wish I had second gen with Bluetooth, mic and speakers so I could use it as a VOIP phone. When we were in Greece this June on Samos island [down the road from the Tavern at the End of the World] with no WiFi nearby, the Touch was wonderful for watching the movies I remembered to load. Four of us crowded around the iPod and had a great time laughing our way through Office Space, Beavis and Butthead, and WB cartoons. Kept our neighbors up and drinking late. I'm still amazed at the quality of the video display. In other locations there was plenty of free WiFi.


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