I routinely receive client cds that won't play in one drive. I have
two on my machine, but before I give up on a cd I try all the other
drives I can find in the house first. Clean it off too; sometimes just
a good belly rub will get one to read.

You'll probably want to offload all the data as soon as you can get it
to read. Burning another disk may be problematic, if indeed your drive
is losing alignment. If it's not a lot, but important, consider cloud
storage - that's the safest these days.

CDs are optical, not magnetic, media. The dye on a cd can be corrupted
by temperature and light, but not an old style CRT monitor with it's
magnetic field. LCD monitors do not generate these types of fields
anyway as there's no high voltage involved.

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Terry Kilburg <kilb...@iowatelecom.net> wrote:
> I had a data cd that i saved a few documents, emails on and my email addys 
> and favorites for about 2 yrs. Now when i load the cd, it's blank! I have the 
> things on the 'puter so i can put 'em back on.
> I have an LCD monitor and i put the cd back in the case and set it a few 
> inches away...is the a small magnetic force that eventually wipes the cd?
> I save them to the cd...would it be better if I burned them on instead or it 
> doesn't matter?

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