The font problem is worse than you report. It messes up TrueType and
OpenType fonts too. Some apologists for Apple say that you can just
adjust the type specs to get spacing back to right, but these are
hopeless programmers who know nothing about typography. The numbers
that they say to randomly adjust have meaning, they are not random. A
professional knows what these numbers should be. Apple has
fundamentally broken the system by which type is specified. Clueless
NeXTies have struck again.

No matter how much it ruins your day, and mine, few people understand fonts or even need to be concerned.

The death of print media has been announced prematurely. Font problems have been with us since monotype, no, since calligraphy, and persist in digital form, crashing apps, making layouts barely legible. Since it affects so few of us directly, the problems are fixed slowly, even though it has huge influence over any media that will be read--print or virtual. Hardly anyone notices except that things will be harder to read. Eh! Americans don't read much anyway, so they don't care.

How long will it take to fix Snow Leopard? It's only been out a month.

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