I want to save some images from the web and the options safari gives me are save as "web 
archive" or "page source"
Advantages to either?

I can see disadvantages to both. If you save as Page Source, all you have is the HTML code with no images, animations, etc. Save as Web Archive in Safari and you have a locked container that only opens in Safari--can't remove the images. Same for IE archives, Opera archives, iCab archives...

Don't use Safari [or IE] for this. Use a browser that can save the page as the HTML file plus images together in a folder. Mozilla browsers [Firefox, Camino, SeaMonkey] can do this, and have the most straightforward choices. So can Opera. A web archive has everything 'stuck' together so you can only open it as a web page in the browser that created the archive.

For images alone, you can control-click/right-click and select "Save Image as..." or something like that. It's more difficult to save Flash animations, but it can be done. Ask if you want that too. Where there's a linked database, you're best off saving as PDF. But you want images. Those are easy.


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