I don't keep anything on flash I don't fully expect to lose.

On Oct 31, 2009 8:56 AM, "Sue Cubic" <scu...@earthlink.net> wrote:

At 09:43 AM 10/31/2009 -0500, you wrote: > > I sometimes end up in places
and areas with no Internet...
I use a flash drive and a little program called EZ Back it Up to back up
certain files daily.  Initially, I added all of my mailbox files.  It runs
on a scheduler, or can be run manually.  It overwrites changed files only.
 I have certain Eudora mailboxes included in this automatic backup.

I'm lucky to get a 14,400 dialup connection at my summer house (no cable or
DSL there).  Web sites take forever to load.  It is faster for me to
download the mail, go offline to read/reply, and go back online to send.
 Also I'm not tying up the phone line this way.

It's nice to have choices to suit one's purpose!

Unless I lose the flash drive, I'm OK. :)


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