At 01:46 PM 11/1/2009 -0500, you wrote:
On Nov 1, 2009, at 1:20 AM, Marcio wrote:
I have asked and I repeat... what is a better alternative today? Or
at least comparable?... And mind you I do use web mail too...

Can't say because our EFBs have not articulated any serious reasons
for sticking with Eudora.

The biggest reason for my sticking with it is that it does what I want an email program to do. Why should I switch? I'm certainly not interested in pink backgrounds with yellow writing (stationeries) and animated smilies!

I'd like to know what others think an email program _should do_ that Eudora doesn't.

Long ago I switched from IE to (first) Mozilla and then Firefox. Initially it was because of all the pop-ups that couldn't be controlled within IE, and I saw no reason to install a pop-up blocker in IE when one was built in to Firefox.

I switched from Norton AV to AVG because I ended up with all kinds of problems with Norton. I'll never put it on another machine I am associated with. AVG has never given me any problems and the price is good. :) I also run Avast on another machine, mainly because I wanted to compare AVG and Avast, and am happy with that also. I see no reason to switch either of those.

I do have Thunderbird installed on a machine, mainly so that I can guide others with its use. It appears to be a fine program too, although it doesn't have all the bells and whistles of real Eudora. I haven't really searched, but does T'Bird have the colored labels? I use that feature in Eudora quite often. I also like the 'trainable' junk feature--much simpler than setting up filters, and it works very well.

If Eudora quits working, I guess I'll have no choice but to switch. Until then, I see no good reason to do it.


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