I usually write in brazilian portuguese some e-mails. Here in Brazil we hace 
accents such as ยด ` ^ ~. When I write words with the accents they appear all 
garbled out... and also when I receive e-mail in my Eudora from Brazilian 
friends. Where do they come from?


-----Original Message-----
>From: Marcio <m...@ix.netcom.com>
>Sent: Nov 2, 2009 1:41 AM
>Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Eudora 8, Beta 7
>Sue you can still download Eudora 7 from the site www.eudora.com. And if you 
>have your serial number you can make it a "paid copy".
>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Sue Cubic <scu...@earthlink.net>
>>Sent: Nov 1, 2009 8:16 PM
>>Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Eudora 8, Beta 7
>>At 01:46 PM 11/1/2009 -0500, you wrote:
>>>On Nov 1, 2009, at 1:20 AM, Marcio wrote:
>>>>I have asked and I repeat... what is a better alternative today? Or
>>>>at least comparable?... And mind you I do use web mail too...
>>>Can't say because our EFBs have not articulated any serious reasons
>>>for sticking with Eudora.
>>The biggest reason for my sticking with it is that it does what I 
>>want an email program to do.  Why should I switch?  I'm certainly not 
>>interested in pink backgrounds with yellow writing (stationeries) and 
>>animated smilies!
>>I'd like to know what others think an email program _should do_ that 
>>Eudora doesn't.
>>Long ago I switched from IE to (first) Mozilla and then 
>>Firefox.  Initially it was because of all the pop-ups that couldn't 
>>be controlled within IE, and I saw no reason to install a pop-up 
>>blocker in IE when one was built in to Firefox.
>>I switched from Norton AV to AVG because I ended up with all kinds of 
>>problems with Norton.  I'll never put it on another machine I am 
>>associated with.  AVG has never given me any problems and the price 
>>is good. :)  I also run Avast on another machine, mainly because I 
>>wanted to compare AVG and Avast, and am happy with that also.  I see 
>>no reason to switch either of those.
>>I do have Thunderbird installed on a machine, mainly so that I can 
>>guide others with its use.  It appears to be a fine program too, 
>>although it doesn't have all the bells and whistles of real 
>>Eudora.  I haven't really searched, but does T'Bird have the colored 
>>labels?  I use that feature in Eudora quite often.  I also like the 
>>'trainable' junk feature--much simpler than setting up filters, and 
>>it works very well.
>>If Eudora quits working, I guess I'll have no choice but to 
>>switch.  Until then, I see no good reason to do it.
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