In WA state, unlimited calling and a data plan for an  iPhone is $130/ mo.
It's only $70 / mo where you are?

Cavan [and some of my friends] has an iPhone 3G with unlimited data, and 450 minutes with rollover. He texts using the data plan or WiFi rather than SMS, but has the additional text package for when it's more convenient. Cost is $39.99 voice + $30 data + $5 texts [but taxes add another $10 or so to the bill]. He has lots of rollover minutes, even though he was voted 'most talkative' in high school. He lives near DC, I'm in eastern Maryland near Delaware border [20 miles south and 5 miles east of the Mason-Dixon line].

Do you really need unlimited calling? We pay per call on our land line and mobile PAYGO and it's much cheaper than unlimited calling, even though we often make 30 minute to 1 hour phone calls, sometimes overseas. For non-local and overseas calls we use a prepaid phone card. The connection number and ID code are programmed into our phones, so it's easy to use the calling card, and very cheap. You can even use calling cards from your cell phone to make cheap overseas calls.


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