First, I forgot that the Droid is by Motorola. Could this be that company's last gasp at mobile phones? My Moto SLVR was a very attractive phone that made me sound like I was calling from an undersea cave--on both Cingular and T-Mobile networks, plus Vodafone, Orange, Telefonica in Europe. Its menus were voluminous/tedious, more than anyone could ever need and a real waste of time. Only my Samsung was worse. Maybe the Droid will be a big improvement?

iPhone on Verizon:
Depends on whether Apple wants to work from scratch or borrow from existing multiband phones. Coordinating data and voice will be the main problem. Here's a phone from Hong Kong that does quadband GSM and dual CDMA, These phones have been around for several years in east Asia. Verizon sometimes sells at least one at their stores for customers who travel outside the US, like the Moto and Samsung versions.


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