On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 7:21 AM, mike <xha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Did you miss the part where anyone not living in a big city was a rube?
> Just because someone works outside they are automatically stupid?

  Hey, I live and work way out in the country myself, miles from any
urban area!!  Maybe that does make me stupid.  Anyway, I placed my
description of urbanites as being sophisticates in parentheses, as in
"sophisticates," thereby indicating the tenuous nature of such a

  The creators of that ad are the ones who might have a superiority
complex, not me.  They are the ones who cast the two cowboys who, near
the tail end of the ad, approach the ominous pod when one of them says
in a hick-like drawl, "What in the world is that?"

  Again. my main observation is the clear depiction of the United
States military subjecting its own populous to some fearful and
obviously dangerous thing.  What is that about?  Are we all supposed
to see that ad, finally understand that it is about selling a phone,
and then come away with the understanding that this is our
military/industrial complex in action?


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