I just have one problem with this.  It is under someone else's control.

What is to say that they will not come back and say If you want this information you will have to pay us such and such $s.

Secondly everyone claims paranoia about the government getting into your stuff (listening in to phone conversations, tracking our movements with GPS, etc. etc.)

Yet we will put this stuff up on the cloud and trust that no one will get into it?

One of the things that keeps getting stressed in Identity theft classes, and with youth on what NOT to do to get a job is putting stuff on line.

The Cloud is not secure.


At 10:43 AM 11/3/2009, you wrote:
You are also incorrect about needing a continuous connection. But
obviously broadband is what makes _large_ amounts of cloud storage
tenable. And if my broadband at home wasn't so reliable, I too would
probably never consider webmail, even though gmail offers offline

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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