On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 12:16 AM, mike <xha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Well this has become more about stopping the spread of misinformation.
> Some on the list might want to know that ESATA is much faster then FW800
> because they could be looking to build something that it would matter.
> Others, perhaps most don't care because they don't have either one.  These
> aren't superfast rates, these are the standard rates of this tech, none of
> it is bleeding edge, just what is currently out there.  I use eSata on my
> external drive specifically because I wanted to wait the least amount of
> time when moving large files to the drive, like ripped dvds.

  Thanks for answering my questions.  Your usage of eSata is a good
example of when high rates of data transfer can be of note.  My sole
point was that, for the most part in daily computer use, it isn't
really going to matter or be noticeable.  Thus, there is no cause for
most folks to become concerned or to feel less than adequate if they
only have FireWire or USB2, not that there was any direst suggestion
of inadequacy in the first place.

  However, I still wonder about issues of reliability when dealing
with higher writing or reading speeds.  It is my understanding that
there are very noticeable and wide differences between makes and
models of eSata drives in terms of data I/O speeds, with these
differences being far more acute than in drives employing FW or USB.
I therefore think this indicates that eSata is, in fact, not really a
"standard" at this point.


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