from Slashdot [glad I just installed VirtualBox]:

Technology: Try Out Chrome OS In a Virtual Machine
Friday November 20, @09:55PM
Posted by Soulskill on Friday November 20, @09:55PM
from the that-didn't-take-long dept.

itwbennett writes: "Some very generous Alpha OS geeks have snagged the Chrome OS source code and compiled a version to share with the rest of us, writes blogger Peter Smith. 'The build comes in the form of a virtual machine, which means you'll need VMWare or VirtualBox running, and of course the image of Chrome OS itself. The folks at gdgt are distributing the latter, and they've set up a page with all the links you'll need. You'll need to create a gdgt account if you don't have one yet. The Chrome OS image is only a bit over 300 megs, so it's a fast download. If you need a little more handholding, TechCrunch has a step-by-step guide to getting Chrome OS installed and running using VirtualBox, and a Chrome OS torrent they link to.'"

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