Oh so wrong. And Constance's complaint "that there are only 24 hours
in a day" just compounds the error.

I am constantly at client's sites and see first hand how people use
computers at work. It is painful. People do not know how to use their
computers efficiently and are totally clueless about the latest
enhancements that would greatly improve their productivity. They feel
overburdened and complain about having no time, but if they knew what
they were doing they could get their work done in half the time --
actually often in much less then half the time. Sometimes I can't
help myself and reach for somebody's mouse to fix something with a
click or two. They are always so shocked, as if I were performing
magic. If you spend your day on tasks that take you 10, 20, 30
minutes when they should be taking you 10, 20, 30 SECONDS you
certainly will be complaining that there are only 24 hours in the

Unless computers ARE your business, there are lots of other things to do that don't need broadband--or computers. For those who live inside the beltways of the world, it's hard to imagine that there really are more places that are still without reliable, inexpensive available broadband than have or can get it.

I use my computer efficiently. I ignore it efficiently too. It's just another very convenient tool, like a reciprocating saw, or a sewing machine.

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