Sure look like a fool. :-)
If someone rips my stuff off, fine, I am ripping others stuff when I
put it together. (It is called research)
It works for me but it might not work for you.
What MS has done is emulate the Apple store.
The problems inherent in that is that it might not work for MS. That
is a huge risk.
I for one have never been in an Apple store and might not ever be in
an MS store, but as I said it is a huge risk.
What works for Apple will probably not work for MS.
Just like you ripping off (I call it borrowing) one of my
sermons. It is designed for my parish and my people. It probably
would not work for you.
Now if you took it and massaged it and reworked it to make it yours
and for your locale it would probably work much better.
Your initial statements were what triggered this.
If MS just took the Apple store and then dropped MS over on top of
it, it will never work,
MS has to make this their store. Otherwise it is a cheap and terrible clone.
We will have to wait and see what happens to it.
But as I said before emulation has been the highest form of flattery
for millennia. How it is done and if it should be done is a whole
notehr discussion.
Straight cloning will never work. Not only is it illegal in some
realms (patent laws) but it also is not your product at that
point. I should use the term emulation. You are trying to emulate
that which works, but you must make it your own.
So only time will tell if it works.
At 12:15 PM 11/23/2009, you wrote:
Reverend, I deliver one of your sermons, verbatim, without any
attribution - you are fine?
Admittedly, this gets done a little differently in business, but seldom
do businesses deploy the wholesale copying of one competitor the way M$
are at present.
Ford, to pick one, does not copy the entire product line of another
carmaker; they try to make sure their products compare well. Most
companies still try to distinguish their brands.
Thank you,
Mark Snyder
Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL SL 82
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