You are brilliant.  Instead of double checking what I said, you call me
names.  In full is Tom's previous post in which you will notice if you are
able to read, about MS and security.  I have put it in bold and italics and
added color to the important words, have someone read it to you noticing
emphasis on the colored words.  You do actually need to READ this however to
understand it.  I don't expect you to elevate any conversation with your
single mindedness, but can you at least not lower it.
"It will be interesting to see what if any effect this has on hacker
activity in the country. Defenders of Microsoft’s security record have
previously argued that viruses could be targeted at Internet Explorer as
much because it offers the largest pool of potential victims as because of
inherent flaws in the browser itself. That explanation has now – albeit on a
very small and symbolic scale – lost a little of its credibility in Germany
at least."*

On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 10:14 AM, Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS) <> wrote:

> I was mistaken when I called you catatonic, Mike.  You are a moron.  The
> Acid Test has absolutely nothing to do with security.  You have lost all
> association with logic.
> Thank you,
> Mark Snyder
> -----Original Message-----
> Why do you do this?  READ the thread.  Tom brought up security.  You
> guys
> are like broken records, challenge a belief and you can't defend it you
> start this shit.
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