On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 3:36 PM, mike <xha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Depends on the right you are talking about I guess.  The in power
> republicans don't like Beck, he does have a following with the
> constitutionalists/smaller government types.  The 'right' that follows Beck
> is not happy with the power players in the republican party, that's why I
> said that.

  Sure, Beck appeals to the "throw 'em all out" crowd.  That's why
many Republicans who currently are in office do not necessarily
appreciate his rants.  That said, I remain quite sure that Beck has
many more devotees who almost always vote Republican than who mainly
vote for independent candidates.

  I also think that distinctions often have to be made between the
actual ownership of many of these media outlets and the people who
work there and become the ones who's names appear on the by-lines and
who become the public faces that everyone sees.  For instance, one of
our major TV networks, one of those "liberal" ones because it is
alleged that they all are except for Fox, is owned by General
Electric.  Now, is General Electric, the corporate giant and massive
military/industrial complex holding company a bastion of liberalism?
Of course not.  So, what does that make the TV network that they own
and control?


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