Sounds like more MS bad advertising ideas...make a problem that wasn't
really a problem seem like it's been fixed.  Who knows, the only time I've
seen this issue is either when malware etc is on the machine or in network
situations where the admin has written bad scripts that run on login.
Otherwise, my machine is ready before my monitor wakes up from sleep.  I
know this because one of my monitors wakes up faster then the other.

On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 1:55 PM, <>wrote:

>  I am seeing a relatively new Windows 7 ad that touts how quickly a
> computer can awaken from sleep mode under the new OS.  In the ad, this
> awakening issue appears to be such a big deal that Toshiba, along with
> MS I suppose, flies a user all the way fprm the United States to Japan
> just to show her that her computer, under W7, will quickly jump back
> to life after sleeping.
>  I do not use Windows, and my computer is ready to work about two
> seconds after waking from sleep.  I know nothing of waking from sleep
> mode under versions of Windows prior to the latest release.  Was there
> some issue or problem that was so great as to offset the time and
> expense involved in this ad in pointing out how fast W7 can awaken
> itself?  I do not recall ever reading or hearing anything about issues
> of recovering from sleep mode under Windows, but I guess there was.
> Perhaps someone can enlighten me.
>  At my place of work, I have often asked folks there who use the
> Windows computers in the store why they do not either put the
> computers to sleep when not being used and/or have the drives spin
> down when no activity is required.  I have never really gotten an
> answer, but perhaps that merely indicates issues that I was never made
> aware of.
>  Steve
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