I guess it's different habits.  I base my feelings on the books I read for
years, especially Asimov, when I think about robots.  And in most the
commercials, they talk about getting stuff done, not much bombing going
on...but I get your feeling on them, as I said they remind me of Michael Bay

I say Data from Star Trek, you go Hector from Saturn 3.  The Maria robot was
created by a mad scientist, so it's not really the robots fault how she is.
I'd say Giskard is one of the more pure examples from Asimov because it
could make choices beyond it's programming.  And those choices were for the
well being of humans it loved.

On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 1:28 PM, phartz...@gmail.com <phartz...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 1:48 PM, mike <xha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Where does a robot engender fear and aprehension?  Droid is a play on
> > google's OS name, not motorola's.
>   An android is defined as a robotic automaton, specifically a robot
> that takes on human form and functionality, a la the humanoid
> destroyer depicted in the "Terminator" movie series or the metal woman
> in "Metropolis," or those in the Will Smith movie, the title of which
> currently escapes me.  Androids are not normally considered as warm
> and fuzzy robots that do good.  In stories, they typically exist to
> wreak havoc upon the human populous.
>  I think that type of imagery works well in the United States,
> particularly since we are engaged in the war without end, or so we
> have been told.  Thus, we saw the original Droid ads drawing upon that
> name as well as drawing upon metal machines of destruction to sell
> that product.
>  Steve
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