Quoting Michael Wosnick <mwosn...@rogers.com>:

Hi all,

Related to my previous question about swapping boot drives, I suspect I am going to bite the bullet and build in time to do a re-install and not try to band-aid it all.

Which leads me to another question.

My Win 7 machine will have at least 3 users on it (me, wife, daughter). Is there a preferred order to installing programs vs. users?

In the past in Vista and even in XP, I found that only a few well written programs actually ASK if you want it installed for jsut "you" or for "all users". Many of the programs I install are only for my use and don't need to clutter up everyone else's desktop or start menu. But try as I might, I usually find that most programs get installed for all. Then if someone removes the icon from their desktop, it disappears from mine as well...

So, I was thinking this time to set up all the program when I am the ONLY user, and then to set up the other two user accounts at the end. But if I do that, will they still have access to the subset of programs that they do use?

Really the crux of this is how to install programs selectively for some users but not all?

You should be able to move all the desktop icons from the "All Users" folder to your own folder in Windows Explorer. Like Tony said, they'll be in C:\Users\<user name>\Desktop. Just move whatever you want for yourself to your folder and leave the common programs in the "All Users" folder.

The question is, what did they do with the "Start Menu" folders?

Ahh. The Google knows. It's in C:\Program Data\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu, but you need to unhide hidden folders to see it. It looks, though, like you can't separate into individual start menus per user.

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