*The Wall Street Journal, citing unnamed sources, reported Sunday that
Google plans to sell the phone directly to consumers, instead of through a
wireless carrier. Such a move would mean Google would go head-to-head with
Apple's iPhone and Research in Motion's Blackberry, as well as current
makers of Android phones.*

This statement seems to contradict one instance it says the
device will be sold to directly to consumers and then they say it will go
head to head against iPhone etc...well iPhones and BB's aren't sold direct
so which is it?  Engadget has been reporting for weeks at least that the
phone is made by HTC, no surprise.  But if this phone is truly going to be
sold direct, it could be a game changer.  This could be finally at last the
subsidized google phone we heard about years ago.  The current model
floating around is GSM but there are reports of a CDMA out there also.

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