Are you not making a strong case for nationalizing the telecoms?

No.  I don't think so, anyway.  But that's one solution.  The telco has
been nationalized in the past.  It hardly hurt anyone and it benefitted
rural areas.  That was universal service.  As long as it was, pardon me,
landlines.  Technology has obviously changed.

If it is time for the government, that you and others elected, to step in with a national mandate for broadband, a la France, then there are going to have to be negotiations. I won't be at that table, but I know what the
conditions are going to be.

Just as they were on the former deal.

Trust me, you really don't want that.  Not if you want a free industry and
competition.  Capitalism produces casualties.  But that is what
you voted for with the Telecom Act(s).  You get what you pay for.

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