> Subject: iPhone/MS deal about to close?
> http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/jan2010/tc20100119_759795.htm
> BW is saying bing may become the default search engine on the iphone....can
> you hear Tom scream yet?

I read the forums at www.everythingicafe.com several times a day.

I first heard of this default search engine thing regarding the deal
that pushed Bing onto Verizon cellphones a short while ago. Folks
expressed worry that this sort of change could be mandatory. It
becomes most onerous when stuff breaks the functioning of the device
the user has relied on. As long as the user can still select a
default, (search engine in this case) people don't seem as worried.
The fear is that this move is further evidence that a permanent ban on
Google products might be in the offing for users who don't feel
comfortable about jailbreaking their iPhones. I, for one, wish to
continue having the freedom to use Google products on my iPhone and on
my MBP.


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 -- Oscar Wilde

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