I think that publisher had its fight with Amazon over the issue of 
who controls the pricing.  Apple isn't locking out any other e-book 
vendors.  Their books will use the open ePub format, so just like 
you can do now with non-DRMed MPG and AAC files, you 
probably will be able to buy books from many vendors and import 
them into iTunes to put them on your iPad.  For proprietary formats 
like Amazon's, there is already a Kindle Book App for iPhone and 
supposedly a forthcoming Nook app.  If their makers are smart 
they will scale the apps up to the iPad, since they wouldn't want 
to lose content sales.  

I am more worried about DRM.  I think it would be ideal if Apple 
were able to handle books the same way they do their music, 
which is to not have DRM but to tag the content with account 
information to discourage abuse.  But the publishers may insist 
on something stronger than that, like they mostly do for video 

> From:    mike <xha...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: apple-stanza-usb
> I think perhaps it's just that I see the ipod touch/iphone as the start of
> the revolution and you may see the ipad as the start.  Either way, Apple is
> leading the charge on this again as they did on mp3, I just hope the content
> wars over ipads/kindles/tablets don't cause more casualties on the customer
> side, gaining 'innovation' at the cost of control.  The publisher who pulled
> out of amazon for (probably) the ipad worries me more than I'm hopeful in
> what the ipad might bring.
> On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 10:58 AM, Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS) <
> mark.sny...@ngc.com> wrote:

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