Leave the country for a while and go where people enjoy a better standard of
living--and it's not the US.
Why don't you leave the country and emigrate to one of the socialist countries
where life is so much better? I'm doing just fine here.
I never told you to emigrate. What I said is for you to look at
countries that are doing better than the US both financially and
socially, and you will find a balance between social good and corporate
support through effective but not stifling regulation and partnerships.
Instead, we're stuck with dominant corporate representation in Congress,
conservative corporate media, and a general public that seems to accept
that as being OK. It's not.
I ask you to open your eyes and open your mind to understand what
doesn't work here [corporate dominance], and what does work elsewhere
[fair social programs and business encouragement/support]. Just because
you can't imagine that systems like that work well--they do--doesn't
mean we don't have a lot to learn. Use your imagination and get a social
conscience instead of spouting corporate talking points. So, you don't
want universal broadband--admit it--or you have a better idea that
works. Unregulated capitalism doesn't work; never did; never will.
What's your ideas for people to have affordable universal broadband?
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