On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 4:08 PM, Chris Dunford <seed...@gmail.com> wrote:

> As Bob Park likes to say, Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize in 1905 for 
> showing that cell phones can't cause cancer. It seems to me that cell 
> phone-related cancer is what's mostly rejected "out of
> hand".

  Mostly that is what was said, but countless others said and adhered
to the mantra that there was no effect at all.  But, to now be seeming
to rejoice in the claims of tremendous medical benefits of cell phone
radiation seems like grasping at straws to me.  I never once ever
heard anyone suggest that radiation from phones would eventually be
shown to be beneficial.  Indeed, this is but one sole study that
already has many debunkers.  It does, however, appear to compound the
evidence that suggests that cell phone emissions of RF are likely to
generate changes at the molecular level in brain tissue.  I'm kinda
happy with my brain as it is, but thanks anyway.

  The point of my initial post was not to stir up the debate about
cancer, but just to point out that smart phones are designed to emit a
lot more microwave RF than do "regular" cell phones.  Can anyone
explain why that is the case?


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