Just remembered, it was John Conyers.

On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 12:07 AM, mike <xha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> True, we agree..but when you have lobbyists for those big corporations
> writing the very regulations isn't that a problem?  Which representative was
> it that laughed when a reporter asked if he had read the bill he was voting
> for?
> On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 11:22 PM, b_s-wilk <b1sun...@yahoo.es> wrote:
>>  OK I come from this on both sides.
>>>> As a theologian I view mankind through both eyes.  He is basically
>>>> good, but there is a corrupt part of him that will screw you whenever
>>>> he gets a chance.
>>> Sorry Stewart, I know you're in the business of thinking people are good,
>>> but these two statements are contradictory. If people were basically good
>>> they wouldn't be trying to screw you at every opportunity (and *wouldn't*
>>> need regulating).
>> Even in dangerous places, even with language barriers, my experience has
>> been that individuals are generally good--often exceptionally generous
>> beyond expectation.
>> However we need regulation because people tend to do stupid things in
>> groups that they wouldn't do alone. The bigger and more powerful the group,
>> the greater tendency to be irresponsible or "evil", as in corporations.
>> Hence the need for regulation.
>> Stewart is right.
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