Yes the regulator is divine but people often have the wrong view of the 10 commandments. They were also prescriptive telling the Israelites how they were to live with one another and the nations that surround them.

Taken out of context they simply become a set of rules. (Such as the bumper stickers down here, live the 10 commandments.) Instead they were a covenant between a people and a king (they follow the other covenantal models of its time.) describing how the people were to interact and live.

It was both prescriptive and proscriptive. (In other words not just one sided.)


At 07:22 AM 3/1/2010, you wrote:
At 01:07 AM 3/1/2010, t.piwowar wrote:
>Lest we forget, the Ten Commandments is "regulation."

But, at least in this case, the "regulator" is divine.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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