The genius of the Ten Commandments--whether intentional or not--is that there are ten proscriptions, and everything else is OK. The Bill of Rights is similar, providing protections, but needed elaboration, hence the current number of Constitutional Amendments to protect the rights of individuals and minorities.

For those who aren't familiar with the rest of the commandments, there were actually over 600. We're lucky that K.I.S.S. weeded out most of the noxious ones, mostly from Leviticus. Or Moses got tired of chiseling into stone when he got to ten.

Rev. Stewart Marshall escribió:

Only if you look at it that way!!!!

It was also proscriptive.

>        So regulation is both a good thing and a bad thing depending on how
>        it is done.

    Lest we forget, the Ten Commandments is "regulation."

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