Also try to restore back to a date you believe it was running properly.

On Mar 1, 2010 2:03 PM, "Terry Kilburg" <> wrote:

Probably the last 20 times I've booted-15 of those had to use system restore
to complete the process. Two of those boots gave a message after going thru
system restore, it said it failed and only gave the option to shutdown and
it sent this to microsoft. On those failed attempts, it did boot the next
time I tried. Here is what i found when i read the info under the View
Diagnostic and Repair Details on the final screen:

Root cause found

patch is preventing the system from starting

System restore failed
time 0 ms

system file integrity check failed
time 595222 ms

Every other scan it runs was said to be completed successfully. The other
times of boot failure this scan is completed successfully but it always says
a patch prevented it from booting properly. This leaves me to think the
patches are no good that are downloaded automatically to protect the
computer or one of them aren't anyway. Or could the hd be on its last legs?

This year it already downloaded ~75 updates and patches and I've had the
computer for 2.5 yrs..

What do you think it is and what might i do to remedy it?

Terry Kilburg - Independent Reliv International Distributor...   563-872-3788 CST

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