Do not think our folks run the latest and the greatest either.

Non profits are usually the last to upgrade their equipment as they do not get to depreciate their stuff, but have to justify all their expenses.

So far I have covered most of my own computer expenses in my church even to the point of supplying network equipment.

Church office got a new CPU a few years ago only because I pushed it.

Right now I need to approach them about a flat screen for my office as I am having sight problems (Simply old eyes and I need a larger view.)

I am hoping they will spring 150 or for a new one. (not sure they tend to be very tight)

But even governmental units tend to be tight on equipment purchases.


At 05:13 PM 3/2/2010, you wrote:

Thank you. Exactly on target. I see the same thing myself as I visit
clients. When top management is there only for the money they bleed
the organization of resources to transfer as much money as possible to
themselves. Their employees are using computers that are much too old
and working around broken systems. They are running software that is
several versions back. Employees can barely get their jobs done.

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