Time for you to reline your tinfoil hat.  :)

Date:    Thu, 11 Mar 2010 12:53:25 -0500
From:    "phartz...@gmail.com" <phartz...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Twist in school spying scandal

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 11:26 AM, Art Clemons <artclem...@aol.com> wrote:

> People can give up an awful lot of what
> appears to be a right in order to work, or even get usage of a computer.

  Is that what the digital age is bringing us?  As far as I can see,
we are all surrendering a lot more of our rights and freedoms as a
result of our digitally oriented lifestyles.

  I was just reading about digital "smart" electric meters that are
being installed all across the country.  These new meters collect
electric usage statistics on a moment-to-moment basis and store those
statistics.  These stats can be used to indicate what time people wake
up, when they go to bed, when they cook their meals or take baths or
leave for work and come home again.  The collected stats can be sold
by the electric utility companies to marketers, to be handed to
governmental agencies or to just about anyone who will pay for the
information that is gathered.  Such information can even be hacked
into for criminal purposes.  There are virtually no rules, laws or
guidelines to protect the privacy rights of persons who live where
these meters are used.


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