It is quite possible this is the case.

I live in a one zip code town.  Many of the small towns around here are.

So if I saw a zip code one number off of my towns zip code I could say it is a non existent address. I said I could, however I know better.

I also am secretary for our local Kiwanis Club. We have a PO Box in the post office that serves our town (It is of course identified with our towns Zip Code on the outside) When I started doing our club letterhead, I found out our zip code is one off of the delivery zip code. (61 instead of 60)

So this indeed is a strong possibility.


At 09:21 PM 3/13/2010, you wrote:
On Mar 12, 2010, at 1:37 PM, COMPUTERGUYS-L automatic digest system

googl zip codes don't exist

My curiosity got the best of me, so I did google as mr xhavoc suggested.

Here the site that looked like it had some details codes-"much-ado-about-nothing"/

A quick scan seemed to produce a number of allegations and no reply
to the poster who pokes holes in their theories.....

Me, I was curious about the "non-existent" zips. The PO has a number
of Box Section zip codes in bigger cities, like 19101 or -05 or -40
in Philly. If a business uses a box address for its correspondence it
will use the zip that doesn't show with street addies attached.
However, smart search engines, say for locating closest retail
outlets, never seem to trip over the location of these box sections.
They are not classified information, but they might help those who
seek tempests in teapots.

No, I'm not taking the time to see if the alleged missing zips are
box sections, just another theory to toss out there!

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