I have installed AVG free on my computer and my wife's computer.

Several days ago, I saw a prompt similar to what you see when Windows
installs a "critical" update, saying that I had received an update and
would need to restart the computer to complete installation.  The
prompt had an AVG logo, so I went ahead and clicked OK.

Within the subsequent time frame (without necessarily inferring
causality) I have started to experience random hang ups unlike
anything I've seen before.  Sometimes the login page itself freezes
(so that it doesn't respond to a user prompt).  Sometimes login works
but it never gets to the desktop (it freezes at the "personal
settings" message).  Sometimes I can log all the way in and use
applications, then unpredictably it will freeze at a later time.  When
it freezes, I can still move the mouse cursor, and some desktop
widgets seem to respond to an extent, but it is impossible to bring up
the task manager, so I can't look for suspicious processes.

My wife apparently got the same sort of prompt (although she doesn't
specifically recall seeing the AVG logo), but her computer seems

Does anybody know if the AVG update prompt was legitimate?  It seems
to me that if this was an actual attack, work would have spread by now
(I haven't heard anything about it).  I am suspicious because I
haven't experienced AVG presenting this type of prompt in the past,
that I can recall.

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