This implies there is no cost of government provided services in the real

No. That's a big DUH!

Of course there are costs to government services, but consider this.

How much of your income is disposable income? In countries with free democratic socialist governments like Sweden or Germany, taxes may by 40-50% of their income. However that means that they have fully paid health insurance, long vacations, child care, sick leave, pensions, with 50-60% of their income remaining as disposable income. They also have almost universal inexpensive broadband in most of western Europe. In the UK, you get FREE broadband as part of your mobile phone contract! Does AT&T or Verizon do this? For under $50/mo including 600 min?

That's more services than we have in the United States--for less. Here you gets what you pay for. That means that the anti-gummint sentiment means much lower taxes, with much higher costs for broadband, health insurance, child care, etc., etc.

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