Fred Holmes
> At 07:30 PM 3/15/2010, Wayne Dernoncourt wrote:
>>I shoulda mentioned that she's firmly stuck in the 1980's
>>and uses WordPerfect.  She's talking about moving to Word
>>but _really_ doesn't want to.  She uses WP for everything
>>including file management.

> WordPerfect is a far superior product to Word.  WordPerfect
> was very late migrating to Windows and had very poor
> marketing.  Thus MS already had the market share.  And Word
> is "good enough" for 99% of the people, so they didn't
> consider trying something "new."

> </RANT>

> A good virtual PDF printer (puts "print to PDF" as an
> additional printer on the print menu) is CutePDF Writer.
> Freeware.


I'm reluctant to put anything from "cute"anything - they
have a history of putting spyware in the program.  At least
now they seem to ask/insist on putting on your computer - at
least they now _seem_ to ask.  I'm still wary.

Take care  | This clown speaks for himself, his job doesn't
Wayne D.   | supply this, at least not directly
COBOL: Completely Obnoxious Because of Length

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