I think they musta run outa the ipads cuz they are saving the parts for
verII which will have a camera and maybe a handle to keep from dropping it
and maybe a battery you can replace ...d'oh!!

-----Original Message-----
From: David K Watson [mailto:davidkirkwat...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2010 1:23 PM
Subject: Re: Apple Runs Out of iPads

I got a kick from this item on the article Mike linked to:  

"Typing accurately and quickly on the iPad's wide on-screen keyboard 
was ** perectly ** comfortable and fast."  [emphasis mine]

I guess the review wasn't typed on an iPad then.  

Here is another review roundup


Generally speaking the reviews are quite positive.

> From:    tjpa <t...@tjpa.com>
> Subject: Re: Apple Runs Out of iPads
> On Apr 1, 2010, at 10:45 AM, mike wrote:
>> A fairly concise list of pos/negs found in major reviews of the ipad  
>> from
>> the mac fan bois set of reviewers.  Most aspects seem to cover what  
>> was
>> already covered here
> Can't trust those folks at PC Magazine. They are always running down  
> PCs and boosting everything Apple... sure they are.
> Pogue did the most sensible thing, he went bi-polar on us: he wrote  
> one review for techies and one for non-techies. He starts off with a  
> test of which one to read...
> "Read the first one if you,re a techie. (How do you know? Take this  
> simple test. Do you use BitTorrent? Do you run Linux? Do you have more  
> e-mail addresses than pants? You,re a techie.)"

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