It mainly is based on expected usage.

They expect you to use it more so you pay more for it.

My church office uses a 1.5 mps connection. We are not a heavy user and do not rely on a super high speed connection for our work.

Now if I were a business that required a high speed connection tog et a loot of work done I would see them charging for a higher speed.

Recently the cable company said they could offer a 16mps connection. Now I would pay a high price for that, but instead they increased my 5 mps to an 8 mps for the same price.

my biggest frustration is the servers used by many sites from which I can do downloads. They throttle those suckers so that no matter how fast a connection you have it still takes a long time to download stuff.


At 06:07 PM 4/4/2010, you wrote:
Quoting "t.piwowar" <>:

The corporations invented the idea that bandwidth was a scarce resource
to be sold to the public drop by drop. They started to throttle
services like BitTorrent and block services like Skype. Suddenly the
the wide open cables lost their ability to move our data unimpeded
unless they got greased by the payment of extra tolls.

Yeah. If Eric's FiOS is capable of delivering 100Mbs (or whatever
their claim is), why do you have to pay extra for higher rates? What's
the diff? It's not like they have to come out to my house and install
a booster to the line, or come around and install a fatter "wire". if
they let the unwashed masses *all* have max bandwidth, and their
"wire" isn't able to support it, then they don't *really* have 110Mbs
bandwidth, and shouldn't be advertising as such. The "wire" is either
capable of the bandwidth, or it isn't.

Seems to me like it's more trouble and expense trying to meter out the

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