
All of our arguments over multitasking will soon be moot.  
At the iPhone OS 4 preview today, Steve Jobs has announced 
that the next iPhone OS will allow multitasking:  

"Now we weren't the first to this party, but we're gonna be the 
best. Just like cut and paste.  ... It's easy to do this in a way that 
drains battery life, and a way that reduces performance of the 
foreground app. If you don't do it right, your phone will feel 

Other things:  Folders for apps to keep them organized, 
support for multiple exchange accounts, in iBooks you can 
buy once and read anywhere,a social gaming network (Aaggh!  
To borrow David Letterman's joke about the iPad, it's going to 
revolutionize the way people procrastinate.), and another thing 
I am dubious about, a mobile advertisement API.  Jobs touted 
it as a way to deliver ads more effectively and  less obtrusively 
in ad-supported free apps, but I am dubious.  

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