
Money quote:
I was surprised at how comparable the Apple systems¹ base configurations were to the high end notebook PCs from the major venders. I expected the Windows PCs to blow the MacBooks away; but some of these were very close. This was not a Windows v. OSX competition, but purely a hardware specs v. hardware specs evaluation. Also, one would have to get their hands on these computers for it to be a truly fair comparison. The point of this comparison was to find out if the commonly repeated mantra of PC enthusiasts is true. Do you usually get more bang for the buck in terms of hardware by purchasing a PC instead of a Mac? From our very unscientific comparison, the answer is not a resounding ³Yes!², it¹s more like a a qualified ³Sometimes.² In the end competition brings better hardware and better prices to the market and all consumers, Mac and PC, win.

Fan-bois, man your flame-throwers!
Lovettsville, VA

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