Apple had a decade on MS at one point according to Steve Jobs and dropped
the ball.  We'll see if that changes with this new battlefield.  Apple
seemingly has the same type of disadvantage with their product only being
sold on one network while MS can get it's new phone on any network, and
don't forget Android could be the spoiler of both.

On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 12:55 PM, b_s-wilk <> wrote:

> By SAAD FAZIL of VentureBeat
> Published: April 16, 2010
> Pundits are declaring mobile the new PC. The number of mobile phones far
> outstrips the number of desktops. Mobile phones are available to people in
> the developing world who never had an opportunity to buy or even use a PC.
> With phones becoming smarter, there will be even less need for people to own
> PCs. Microsoft has dominated the PC-based world ever since it drove Apple
> close to extinction in the mid ’90s. But with Apple’s strong footing in
> mobile, its recent release of a larger, tablet form factor, iPad, also based
> on its mobile iPhone OS, and more form factors likely on the way to
> challenge the traditional PC, we may be in for a rematch...
> ...Imagine a stronger and slightly bigger iPad (with perhaps even a
> keyboard) with multi-tasking capability among features that are lacking in
> today’s iPad*...the threat to Apple’s mobile dominance won’t come from
> another platform (like Windows or Blackberry) but from web apps and cloud
> computing.**
> --
> *A bigger iPad, with a keyboard? Sounds like a notebook. FWIW. I used an
> iPad on Tuesday. It's heavy, slippery, can be easily dropped. Keyboard is
> not much better than my iPod keyboard. The curves may be beautiful, but not
> for holding securely. Combined with the $69 iPad keyboard dock, together
> they weigh more and are less portable than small notebook. Apple--get back
> to R&D. I'll take a mini-notebook or 13" MacBook Pro, and keep my iPod
> Touch, thank you.
> **Our broadband went out yesterday, all day, didn't come back until this
> afternoon. And it's slow, but faster is too expensive. Glad we don't store
> important things in the so-called "cloud" or use only the simplest web apps,
> otherwise we'd be SOL.
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