my promo fios ran its' course. so, since i had a really lot of time to waste, i tried to renew online. i cannot renew on line, as i am an existing customer. all packages on line are promo packages and are for new customers.

for the "triple play"(tv,computer, telephone), the telephone person gave me 3 options . lo,mid,hi:$120,130, and 145. two year package, with a $360 pro rated early cancellation penalty. i had a $110 cost for the middle package. the mid pack is 5/20 up/down. the hi pack was 30/30. big push (lots of sales ups) to get me to get that wonderful speed. after starting on acoustical modems, 5/20 seems pretty fast to me.

If there are two people at the address, you can cancel one and re-up new in the other name. Then you can get the promo overcharge instead of the existing customer overcharge. You're lucky. We can't get FIOS. "Nobody" lives in this county.

Move to France and get TV, phone, Internet, cellular for $33/mo total. But you can't have that in the US. Too bad. Your elected representatives think they're supposed to represent the telcos instead of the customers.


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