> I can hear the head of development for courier at MS...'Apple released
> what?  The iwhat?...dammit!...scrap everything!'


It's too bad, though. According to a couple of articles I've seen, Courier was 
one of the few tablet-size boxes that was designed from scratch to be its own 
thing--neither an upsized phone nor a
downsized laptop.

"If you watch the Courier video above, you'll notice that it's an entirely new 
class of interface. It doesn't have anything reminiscent of applications, which 
are the way phones do it, and it doesn't
have the traditional windowing (lower-case) for programs, which is what 
desktops use. It's kinda just one big interface where everything talks to 
everything else, where you can do stuff in a natural
way that makes sense."


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