On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 10:24 AM, tjpa <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> I keep reading reports of people who insisted they needed a physical
> keyboard, discovering that a virtual keyboard works fine.

  I keep reading reports claiming that folks prefer real keyboards
over virtual ones, and that a good real keyboard results in far fewer
typos and is more efficient speed wise.  Sure, for portability and for
short notes a virtual keyboard can suffice, but is still a substitute
for the real thing.

  There are many devotees of the concept that any type of device that
has been in use for over ten years should be trash-canned because even
if it isn't really obsolete, it ought to be.

  Ever try using a virtual keyboard or a touch screen device in the
vertical position for an extended period of time?  Positioned
horizontally, a touch screen keyboard will work better and will not
result in the same arm fatigue pain, but having to look downward all
the time to view your screen is a real neck killer for sure.

  So, what would the solution be for heavy use?  Have a vertical
display screen so you can see what is going on without having to lean
over or tilt your head, but to have a keyboard, virtual or real,
positioned horizontally just like we all use them now.  So, if you
would prefer a virtual keyboard over a real one in such a
configuration, be my guest, but either way, the end result will be
just about what we all do now and have gotten used to because it
works.  Why fix it if it ain't broke unless one just wants to spend
money and time and effort on change for the pure sake of change?


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