Each Big Box store has different return policies.

This is usually for plain old returns. If it is longer that means you can bring it back if it fails also. (sometimes)

Double check the pricing and see if the same laptop is available at a store that matches prices. Occasionally stores will have a special model that cannot be found or compared at another store, but they will have a similar one that they will not do a price match on.

Whenever you buy from any retailer it really is Cavet Emptor


At 03:25 PM 6/14/2010, you wrote:
A relative offered to buy a laptop and wants to get one he saw in an
advertisement at Staples.  Not sure which one he has in mind, but am a bit
nervous about getting a computer there, given they only give you 2 weeks to
return electronics.  Is that a standard amount of time for returns for
computers at most stores?  Anyone have experiences (good or bad) buying a
computer from Staples?



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