The larger the user base the device/OS has the more people will take opportunities to try and hack it.

Plus with Ipad being a high priced user tool, that means MONEY!

I cant remember the program, but always follow the money.


At 05:08 PM 6/14/2010, you wrote:

NEW YORK ( -- A day after AT&T fessed up to its iPad 3G
customers about a security breach, the hackers that exploited the
AT&T's website said there are still lurking security problems related to the

In a blog post, hacker group Goatse Security said Monday that a "skilled
attacker" could take advantage of a weakness in the iPad's Safari Internet
browser. The browser's bug could potentially allow someone to gain unwanted
access to a user's iPad when that user clicks a malicious link.

Looks like we could be seeing the fruition of Apple's increasing footprint
on the web as it relates to their lack of security...or rather that their
programmers are human beings after all and not angelic code machines who
don't make mistakes.  But then those who thought about it for more than
three seconds knew this was the case.  In either case, looks like Apple
users will be seeing an increase in security updates for their mobile

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