I went with a friend to pick up his new iphone last night at a local Apple
store.  We went in the evening and all the walk in phones had been sold so
the store wasn't too busy.  We waited only about ten minutes before a
smiling Apple employee, holding the iphone above her head gathered us up
from the front of the store to an area near the back to make the sale.  Took
about ten more minutes to verify his info, process the payment and then
maybe 30 seconds for him to plug it into a macbook and get it activated by
AT&T.  By the time we walked passed the entrance on the way out, his phone
was ready to go.  He reluctantly handed me the phone...it is a thing of
beauty no doubt.  It's solid, retro and future looking in one very slim
package.  The old iphone, which IMO has looked dated for over a year looks
even more dated, almost ugly compared to this new sparkling iphone.  He got
the black one...no stormtrooper version available.  Turning it on, the
screen is striking, the water droplet backdrop is a perfect starting point
to see the new detail of the screen.  The phone was responsive...as it
should be with the same CPU as the iPad and twice the ram, and a lot of fun
to use.  The camera took good pictures..at least at the restaurant we were
at, they looked as good as any point and shoot.  We did verify the same
problem that is being reported everywhere, holding the phone as any normal
right handed person would hold it, in about 20 seconds all bars disappear
from the meter at the top of the phone, we didn't check to see how it
actually affected use, spose that will come out later.  Apple's response has
been 'don't hold it like that.'  Um...yeah.  I also spent about 15 more
minutes with an iPad, which puts me only about an hour of use with one of
these...I still don't see it as more than a toy, and honestly in full view
of the new iPhone, the iPad looks dated.


I installed iOS 4 on my 2nd gen iPod touch, I'd not recommend it.  The app
store among a couple of others has quit and returned me to the main screen
several times, the ipod while overall faster, is also jerkier in response.
I've also run into having over 40 msgs in my email box via google on the
ipod that contain no data, but yet exist and cannot be deleted.  These msgs
do not show up on the web gmail interface nor my android phone.

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