I am still new to comtypes. Now, I am facing some problems on accessing com dll 
with propput and propget. All other methods is working fine as along as it it 
not a propput and propget methods. How do I access those methods, am I doing 
something wrong?

Here is the python console I use to call those methods:
>>> from comtypes.client import CreateObject st =
>>> CreateObject("vbSiThermalCOM.clsVBSiThermalClass")
>>> st.HeadCount
<comtypes.bound_named_property object at 0x00C772F0>
>>> st.HeadCount = 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "c:\python25\lib\site-packages\comtypes\__init__.py", line 238, in 
TypeError: __set__() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)
>>> st.CommPort(1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'int' object is not callable
>>> st.CommPort
>>> st.CommPort[1]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'int' object is unsubscriptable 

Here is the generated python script by comtypes:
COMMETHOD([dispid(1745027074), 'propput'], HRESULT, 'HeadCount',
              ( ['in', 'out'], POINTER(c_short), 'None' )), 
COMMETHOD([dispid(1745027074), 'propget'], HRESULT, 'HeadCount',
              ( ['retval', 'out'], POINTER(c_short), 'None' )), 
COMMETHOD([dispid(1745027073), 'propput'], HRESULT, 'CommPort',
              ( ['in', 'out'], POINTER(c_short), 'Head' ),
              ( ['in', 'out'], POINTER(c_short), 'None' )),

## code template for _clsVBSiThermalClass implementation ##class 
##    def _get(self):
##        '-no docstring-'
##        #return
##    def _set(self):
##        '-no docstring-'
##    CommPort = property(_get, _set, doc = _set.__doc__)
##    def Disconnect(self):
##        '-no docstring-'
##        #return
##    def GetPV(self):
##        '-no docstring-'
##        #return Head, <unnamed>
##    def SetSV(self):
##        '-no docstring-'
##        #return Head, NewSetPoint, <unnamed>
##    def GetSV(self):
##        '-no docstring-'
##        #return Head, <unnamed>
##    @property
##    def Connected(self):
##        '-no docstring-'
##        #return Head, <unnamed>
##    def Connect(self):
##        '-no docstring-'
##        #return
##    def _get(self):
##        '-no docstring-'
##        #return
##    def _set(self):
##        '-no docstring-'
##    CommDevice = property(_get, _set, doc = _set.__doc__)
##    def _get(self):
##        '-no docstring-'
##        #return
##    def _set(self):
##        '-no docstring-'
##    HeadCount = property(_get, _set, doc = _set.__doc__)

Thanks in advance.

Shin Guey

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