Scratch this. The tx length map is encoded differently between
protocol.txt and remote.cpp. The code is correct for the encoding that
WriteFlash uses. This also means I need to update my consnoop patch to
use the correct mapping table...

Stephen Warren wrote:
> I haven't tested this since I don't have my Harmony with me right now,
> but judging by usbmon logs for the 5xx upgrade issue, libconcord is
> sending broken protocol right now. I have no idea if the remote is
> honoring the length flag in the WRITE_FLASH command, or if the length in
> the WRITE_FLASH_DATA overrides this. In turn, this might make small
> writes trash data following what's supposed to be written...
> Checkin comment:
> Fix WriteFlash to send the correct length fields for WRITE_FLASH_DATA.

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